Each week I explore the weekly reading, or parasha, of the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, connecting its wisdom to Nonviolent Communication, Buddhism, and other major streams of learning that deeply inform my life.
Using Nonviolent Communication in conversations to create authentic connection across divides. Modelling of a difficult conversation begins 33 minutes in!
Roberta offers the introductory session of the upcoming virtual training in NVC and Mediation from the Gandhi Smirti Institute in Delhi, India.
Roberta talks about how we can use the power of Nonviolent Communication to connect with people who have very different political views from our own.
This cultivated a valuable dialogue about evidence-based alternatives to policing. We explored concrete, practical steps that can lead to greater community well-being in the country and especially in the Asheville-Buncombe community.
Webinar Conversation with Ali Abu Awwad, Roberta Wall and Dr. Rodney Sadler Jr.
In this Dangerous Dialogue, we discuss the organization called Taghyeer (Change), which is the Palestinians' National Nonviolence Movement, and its grassroots actions to build Palestinian independent action that seeks freedom and an equitable, peaceful future for all the people of the Holy Land.
Conversations on Race Series, Featured Speaker Sarah Peyton , hosts Rodney Sadler and Roberta Wall
NVC and Mindfulness on line series:
Hi Roberta, and thanks so much for this course! I feel nourished (first time
I've ever used that word this way) in my ability to be open to others and also
to hold apparently contradictory ideas and needs in the same space and let them get along. Blessings to you and Robin and the NVC community.
—Steve Landau, MD
—Acharya Pashupati, President, AMURT (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team - USA branch)
With the Engaged Buddhism & NVC I am learning to be present, to be mindful, to be aware, its something simple and new, like conscious breathing, being in the present momenta and so on… Oh, it gives me a new way of experiencing life which runs through me. Some awakening and liberation in it. Yes, it is, and its vulnerable and painful ... I have found your course so valuable because mindfulness in my experience is the most important principle I have learned in NVC; and Buddhism added a lot to this. I like your way of teaching which for me is flexible, kind and deep, with much dedication to it; it’s the way you are in the world. Thanks for your loving and compassionate being.
— Eastern Europe participant
...Because of your course, I became more aware of my inner feelings when I am communicating by email, voicemail or text. I paused before texting her again. And then I got curious about what her life is like now with her kids and husband at home, while she tries to work upstairs. I felt some compassion and a deeper yearning to connect rather than an irritation at her unavailability. I sent a text from the place of curiosity, and compassion. ... I think that there is an energetic ether that communicates even more than our words, in some cases. And clearly my different attitude and demanding energies were replaced, and she actually RESPONDED!
So, from this experience, I felt empowered to take more frequent pregnant, aware pauses.
—U.S. participant
Connect Before you Correct!
Video with Roberta Wall
Personal with Roberta
Radio Interview:
(scroll down to podcast 55)
Featured Article about Roberta
Roberta's Times of Israel blogs
Talkblog Interview with Roberta on Communicating with Compassion
My grandson's first demonstration!
NVC Training in Daburiyya , Arab village near Nazareth, Israel
Women Waging Peace training in Israel with Roberta Wall and Yael Brisker